

Anti-wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections is a highly effective, minimally invasive way to reduce the appearance of ageing and facial wrinkles. It works by blocking certain chemical signals from nerves, mostly signals that cause muscles to contract. There is no downtime after the procedure so you can you can resume most of your usual activities immediately after treatment. We use fine needles are used so there is very little discomfort and results show very quickly and has amazing results. It is a quick procedure, lasting only 30 minutes in total which includes the initial consultation and preparation. We  offer Botox in a variety of areas on the face including: forehead, eyebrows, crows feet (around eyes), frown lines, pitted chin, jawline, bunny lines (nasal), top lip and mouth.

Benefits of Anti-wrinkle Injections:
  • Highly Effective
  • Quick and (almost) painless procedure Botox is a quick procedure
  • No downtime
  • Quick results
  • Not permanent
  • Very few risks
  • Can provide other cosmetic benefits
  • Non-surgical

Post Treatment: The affected area may be a bit red, sore and swollen. Any redness should settle down in a few days. You should be advised about what to do to help reduce the risk of side effects. This includes not wearing make-up immediately after the procedure and avoiding alcohol, coffee and the sun.



It’s important to note that while Anti-wrinkle Inejctions are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. These risks can include infection, allergic reactions, and the formation of nodules or lumps under the skin. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you.


From £119

Time Taken

30 minutes

Lemon Bottle (Fat Dissolving)

LEMONBOTTLE is a revolutionary injectable compound that sets itself apart in the Lipolysis Market. The unique formula combines powerful ingredients to destroy fat cells and promote efficient excretion from the body. Key Benefits: Fat Dissolving: LEMONBOTTLE effectively breaks down fat cells and enhances metabolism.This non-surgical treatment targets stubborn fat pockets that won’t shift and can be carried out anywhere on the face and body. Lemon Bottle is the industry’s fastest and strongest fat dissolver, showing results within 24 hours.

Benefits of Lemon Bottle:
  • Highly Effective
  • Quick and (almost) painless procedure
  • No downtime
  • Quick results
  • Permanent results (if the lifestyle is maintained)
  • Very few risks
  • Non-surgical

Post Treatment: The affected area may be a bit red, sore and swollen. Any redness should settle down in a few days. You should be advised about what to do to help reduce the risk of side effects. This includes not wearing make-up immediately after the procedure and avoiding alcohol, coffee and the sun.



It’s important to note that while Lemon Bottle Injections are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. These risks can include infection, allergic reactions, and the formation of nodules or lumps under the skin. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you.


From £199

Time Taken

30 minutes

Dermal Fillers

At British Cosmetic Clinic we pride ourselves in offering some of the highest quality techniques when administering our fillers. Dermal fillers are injectable substances that are used to restore volume and fullness to the face, as well as to smooth out wrinkles, lines, and folds. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body that helps to hydrate and add volume to the skin. When injected as a dermal filler, it can plump up thin lips, soften facial creases and wrinkles, and improve the appearance of scars. Hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and typically last between 6 and 18 months.

What dermal fillers can do:
  • Plump thin lips
  • Enhance shallow contours
  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars
  • Reconstruct contour deformities in the face
  • Decrease or remove the shadow of the lower lids


Post Treatment: The affected area may be a bit red, sore and swollen. Any swelling or bruising should settle down in a few days. You should be advised about what to do to help reduce the risk of side effects. This includes not wearing make-up immediately after the procedure and avoiding alcohol, coffee and the sun.



It’s important to note that while dermal fillers are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. These risks can include infection, allergic reactions, and the formation of nodules or lumps under the skin. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you.


1ml Filler is on sale at just £219 (per ml)

Time Taken

45 minutes

Bum Filler

Bum filler, also known as non-surgical Brazilian butt lift or BBL, is an excellent option for those looking to enhance and lift their buttocks without surgery. This procedure uses injectable fillers to add volume and definition to the buttocks area, resulting in a more contoured appearance.

Benefits of Bum Filler:

Bum filler can be a good alternative for individuals who are not ready or unable to undergo surgical procedures. It also offers a shorter recovery time and fewer potential risks compared to traditional butt augmentation surgery. Results are created using the body’s own natural collagen response, therefore bum lift rejuvenation looks and feels completely natural. Results of this treatment are not instant. As you undergo your journey of creating volume and contouring, you will notice an improvement from six weeks onwards.

What to expect:

The results will continue to improve over a six month period. From this, results will then last on average for two years. Following on from each treatment, a post-procedure massage will need to be undertaken. The importance of massaging will be discussed in your consultation with our practitioner.

Before treatment is undertaken, we apply topical numbing cream to the area. We also add lidocaine, local anaesthetic into the treatment to make it more comfortable and manageable. Normal activities can resume the same day!



Post Treatment Aftercare:

Body Contouring dermal fillers have an extensive range. The difference in choice between products in the range depends on the degree of cross linking, size of the particles and the concentration of hyaluronic acid. Hence different products in this range can be tissue tailored for different uses. Since these products are of non-animal origin there is a negligible chance of allergic reactions.


Body Contouring range of dermal fillers are hyaluronic based and hence the effects are non-permanent but long-lasting. Like any other dermal filler, the duration of effect of this range is variable between clients and depends on several factors including age, type of skin, body metabolism, lifestyle, healthy living and immune system. These dermal fillers can last between 12 to 18 months depending on the factors described. Follow up treatments may be required of 50% every 12 months after the first treatment to maintain results.

Post Treatment Aftercare:

  1. Keep the area clean.

  2. Wear shaper shorts for 3 days to relieve swelling

  3. Avoid taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin (Please consult your doctor if it is safe to do so).

  4. Avoid swimming, sun exposure. sunbeds, sauna or baths for 2 weeks.

  5. Refrain from sleeping on the back for one week. The filler needs time to settle in place and sleeping on your back can disrupt placement.

  6. Exercising should be avoided for 2 weeks. The filler needs time to settle in place and exercise can disrupt the placement of the filler.

  7. Do not sit for more than 45 minutes at one time following the treatment. Stand up frequently to relieve pressure on the incisions

  8. ONLY take Paracetemol for pain relief, do NOT take Asprin or Ibuprofen

  9. DO NOT REMOVE THE BANDAGES FOR AT LEAST 5 DAYS. Once incisions are healed, gently massage the area in circular motion using palm of hand for 3 mins per day with clean hands to promote migration into the fat tissue.

  10. Icing the treatment area will help with redness and swelling


It’s important to note that while Bum Fillers are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. These risks can include infection, allergic reactions, and the formation of nodules or lumps under the skin. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you.


From £1599

Time Taken

30 minutes

Lip Filler

Lip Fillers are a highly effective way of enhancing the natural contour and shape while adding volume to your lips. At British Cosmetic Clinic we make sure all of our enhancements are natural looking and compliment your other facial features. We offer both 0.5 ml and 1 ml depending on the look you are going for but this will be discussed in depth with our Head Practitioner to ensure you get the results you want.

From the rise of overfilled pouts to the danger of botched jobs, there’s plenty of reason to exercise caution and have reservations around lip augmentation.That is why at British Cosmetic Clinic we make sure to thoroughly consult with our clients with a free consultation before every appointment. We also offer correction work if needed if you are not happy with existing filler you have previously had from another Practitioner.

What are lip fillers?

Lip fillers are made of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurring substance present in the skin. When used as a filler, is low-risk and well-accepted by the body. Using hyaluronic acid means that the filler can easily be dissolved with an enzyme called hyaluronidase if you change your mind.


Post Treatment

Lip Fillers are a highly safe procedure when done by a highly trained professional. For aftercare we advise a few things to ensure you get the best results out of your treatment and minimise recovery time.

  • Avoid alcohol consumption for the first 24 to 48 hours post-treatment because alcohol thins the blood and can make bruising worse (also can dehydrate you meaning filler may not be as effective)
  • Stay hydrated – drinking plenty of water day to day is not only good for your health but will benefit the filler in your lips making them last longer. Hyaluronic acid in the filler binds with water in the body to increase its volumizing effect, therefore it is very important to keep your fluids up while you’re recovering. We recommend drinking at least two litres of water a day to get the best possible results from your lip injections.
  • Bruising and swelling is normal after treatment and usually goes down within a few days – ice can be applied to reduce swelling and staying hydrated and avoiding alcohol will minimise this.
  • For the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure strenuous activity or exercise should be avoided as these activities can raise your heart rate and blood pressure, which may increase swelling and bruising.



It’s important to note that while lip fillers are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you. 


From £169

Time Taken

30 minutes

Aqualyx (Fat Dissolving)

Aqualyx®, developed for the non-surgical reduction of localised fat under the skin is a gel-based aqueous solution, which dissolves fat and is biocompatible and biodegradable.

Aqualyx® works by causing the dissolution of fat cells. The body then expels the released fatty acids naturally.

Aqualyx® is the only product available for ‘Aquaplasty’ or ‘Aqualysis’ (treatment) exclusively via Healthxchange Pharmacy.

Developed by renowned aesthetic surgeon the late Professor Motolese, Aqualyx® has been available internationally since 2009, and over 2,000,000 vials have been used for patient treatments in 49 countries worldwide.

The treatment should only be performed by a doctor or surgeon, and specialist training is given to every doctor before they offer Aqualysis™.

Typically, two treatments are required for each area being treated; patients report good tolerance of the treatment.

The treatment will be repeated between two and eight times depending on the number of small pockets of fat tissue to be reduced. The treatment is repeated every three to four weeks.

After each treatment patients can expect some swelling, redness and skin irritation and tenderness in the area treated, which will subside after four to six days.


Post Treatment:

Minimal side effects have been reported globally since its introduction, but patients can expect a little skin irritation, bruising and oedema, which will ease after a few days. Clients are advised to drink 3 litres a day for a week post treatment as this helps to achieve the best results. We also advise that clients massage the targeted area every three hours.



It’s important to note that while dermal fillers are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you. 


From £249

Time Taken

30- 45 minutes
Hair Restoration (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical procedure for hair regrowth, best used for treating thinning hair and slowing or stopping the progression of hair loss. PRP treatment can tackle both male and female baldness and alopecia it encourages the growth of existing hair follicles, making your hair appear fuller and healthier without resorting to surgery. It is the most natural way to stimulate hair growth.

Why choose PRP?

Hair loss is most commonly caused by a lack of cell renewal in the scalp, PRP counteracts this as it stimulates the production of new healthy cells. It is a simple and completely natural, providing safe and reliable results with minimal downtime. Only a small amount of blood is taken as though you are having your routine blood testing. PRP Hair treatments provides effective results with high success rate.

What does PRP help?

  • Fuller and healthier natural-looking hair

  • Significantly increase of hair regrowth

  • Production of new healthy cells

  • Decreased hair dystrophy and burning or itching sensation

  • Can serve as a safe and effective treatment option in Alopecia areata (AA)


Before your PRP treatment

We will always have a free consultation before the procedure to discuss what the clients concerns are and what results they want to see form the treatment. We will access wether the client is suitable for the treatment and do a thorough medical form to make sure there is no risk of any adverse effects. We also ask clients to come to their appointment hydrated as it means blood can be taken more easily.

The Procedure:

PRP is prepared from an extract of your own blood.

  • PRP treatment will commonly last between 30 minutes and 60 minutes

  • To do this, 30 – 60 ml of blood is drawn from your arm

  • The blood is then placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins and separates the platelets from the rest of the blood components

  • 3 – 6 ml of platelet-rich plasma will then be extracted

  • The concentrated and growth factor-concentrated platelets are injected into the scalp via micro injections

Post Treatment

There is no downtime for PRP so you can immediately return to your normal daily routine. It is recommended that strenuous activity and alcohol consumption is be avoided for 24 hours post procedure. The results of PRP can usually be seen between two to three months post treatment. Depending on your type of hair loss, and the extent of the loss, PRP for hair restoration is usually recommended as a course of 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Then depending on your individual needs, a maintenance session once a year is usual.


It’s important to note that while dermal fillers are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you. 


From £349

Time Taken

45 minutes


The first of its kind, Profhilo® is a revolutionary ‘beneath the skin’ hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment, made with the patented NAHYCO® technology. This results in a unique hyaluronic acid injectable gel, which has a prolonged stimulating activity on the dermal cells. When injected into skin, Profhilo® stimulates the skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and improve and restore firmness of the skin.

One of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market, Profhilo® not only boosts and hydrates the skin, but also remodels ageing and sagging tissue. The most common areas of treatment include the face and neck and can also be used for the décolletage, hands, arms, knees and abdomen area where it would effectively treat skin laxity. The treatment is suitable for men and women as well as offering skin benefits for patients of all ages.

What does Profhilo do?
  • clears your skin, your skin tone, and the texture of your skin
  • restores skins radiance
  • increasing skins firmness and elasticity
  • rehydrates skin
  • prevents / reduces visible signs of ageing
  • stimulates the production of collagen
  • reinforce the skin’s resilience
  • leaves skin with a youthful glow
How often do I need to get Profhilo?

To achieve the best results and maximum effect, it is advised clients get a course of 2 x treatments 1 x month apart. This is to be repeated every 6 months as desired.

Post Treatment: The affected area may be a bit red, or swollen from where product has been injected. Any swelling or bruising should settle down in a few days. You will be informed of full aftercare procedure by your Practitioner which includes: not wearing make-up immediately after the procedure and avoiding alcohol, coffee and direct sunlight sun 48 hours post procedure.



It’s important to note that while Profhilo is generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. These risks can include infection, allergic reactions, and the formation of nodules or lumps under the skin. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of Profhilo with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you.

Lip Fillers are minimally invasive and recovery is extremely quick and apart from some possible swelling and slight bruising.-3


1ml Filler is on sale at just £199

Time Taken

30 minutes


6 months


Jalupro nourishes the skin and aids natural rejuvenation. Jalupro is a safe, sterile absorbable injectable solution which acts as a dermal ‘biorevitaliser’ ( skin collagen booster) which can be used for improving skin texture and softening fine lines and wrinkles. Skin boosting or bio-remodelling involves the use of injectable high grade Hyaluronic Acid products using small needles to improve structure, texture and overall appearance of the skin. Combining cocktails such as Amino Acids and Hyaluronic Acids plump and restore youthfulness of the skin, but do not ‘fill’ like traditional Dermal Filler, which add volume or change facial shape and contours.

Jalupro Classic

The Jalupro Classic skin booster is applied using Meso Therapy, which allows for deep penetration into the epidermis, to stimulate fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis and elastin production. This significantly improves skin tone, radiation, hydration and the quality of the skin. The results are noticeable very quickly and skin boosting is fast becoming the treatment of choice to achieve natural looking skin rejuvenation.

* Recommended 3 treatments over 6 weeks for optimum results.

Jalupro HMV

Jalupro HMW is a more targeted treatment for fine lines and wrinkles for any specific areas such as, under and around the eyes, the lips and the marionette area. It also has brightening properties which can help to improve dark circles and bags.

  • Increases tone, volume and elasticity.
  • Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, sun damage and stretch marks.
  • Reduces scars.
  • Tackles dark under-eye circles.
  • Reverses and prevents signs of ageing.
  • Hydrates and revitalises dry or dehydrated skin.

* Two treatments are required over a 10-14 day period.


Post Treatment: The affected area may be a bit red, or swollen from where product has been injected. Any swelling or bruising should settle down in a few days. You will be informed of full aftercare procedure by your Practitioner which includes: not wearing make-up immediately after the procedure and avoiding alcohol, coffee and direct sunlight sun 48 hours post procedure.



It’s important to note that while Jalupro is generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. These risks can include infection, allergic reactions, and the formation of nodules or lumps under the skin. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of Profhilo with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you.

Lip Fillers are minimally invasive and recovery is extremely quick and apart from some possible swelling and slight bruising.-3


From: £199

Time Taken

30 minutes


6 months

Thread Facelift

A thread lift is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that lifts and tightens your skin for a younger look while stimulating your body’s collagen production. Collagen creates firmer, more supple skin and naturally diminishes with age. A thread lift procedure has a quick recovery with minimal complications.

How do they work?

Ageing causes loss of facial fat, especially around the cheeks, eye area, jowls, and neck and elastic fibres in the skin become thinner resulting in loss of facial elasticity. This results in longer face and signs of ageing due to the “facial scaffolding”not being able to provide as much support.

The Procedure: involves the use of pro threads which when placed under the skin, tighten and lift loose or sagging areas in various parts of the face providing you with a visibly signs of ageing – results are highly effective! The lifting results are instantaneous. However, the best results are obtained after 3 months as PDO threads also stimulate the production of collagen, which help to tighten and lift the skin.


What areas can benefit from PDO thread?
  • Eyebrow lifting

  • Cheeks

  • Nasolabial folds

  • Around the mouth

  • Jaw Line

  • Jowls

  • Neck

  • Arms

  • Abdomen

  • Other body parts


Post Treatment:

  • You might notice tightness and tenderness around your face for a week. Some redness and bruising might also be noticeable.

  • Avoid anti-inflammatories (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen or diclofenac) for pain as this increase bleeding, if necessary take paracetamol.

  • Avoid applying cosmetic to the treated area for 24 hours.

  • Try to sleep on your back for the first week.

  • Sleep on a soft pillow for at least a week.

  • Avoid showering (washing or touching your face) for 24 hours after the treatment.

  • Avoid vigorous or physically demanding activities for 5 days.

  • Avoid alcohol for the next 48 hours.



It’s important to note that while Thread Facelifts are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. These risks can include infection, allergic reactions, bruising and swelling, migrations and more. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you.


From £499

Time Taken

1 hour


2 years

Vampire Facelift

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, also known as the ‘Vampire Facelift’ or ‘Dracula Therapy’, works on the basis that the body’s own natural healing powers may slow and even reverse the ageing process. It is a revolutionary repair system that places growth factors in the exact location where we want the skin to repair and rejuvenate itself.

Platelets contain a high content of “growth factors” – proteins that help to heal injured tissue or damaged skin. Upon re-injection the platelets release their growth factors which trigger surrounding cells to proliferate, in turn stimulating repair, increasing volume and rejuvenating the skin.

The first stage of the process of the Vampire Facelift® is to inject small amounts of hyaluronic acid (HA) filler to begin sculpting specific areas of the face. The HA filler replaces the skin’s natural glycosaminoglycans – which hold water like a sponge and give volume and shape to the face – but are lost as part of the body’s ageing process. This initial injection of hyaluronic acid is the precursor to the ultimate desired shape and form.

The second stage is the refining and polishing of the sculpting process, which ultimately contributes to the appearance of a younger version of you.

The third and final stage of the Vampire Facelift® process is to harness and use the growth factors from PRP to stimulate the unipotent stem cells in your skin and facial tissue.


What Vampire Facelifts can help:
  • restoring natural beauty and shape
  • loss of volume to the face
  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • crow’s feet
  • tear trough hollows
  • dark circles
  • smoker’s lines
  • temple hollows
  • crepey neck and décolletage


Post Treatment:

  • Do not touch your skin for at least 6 hours. Allow the serum to remain on your skin so it can continue to work.
  • You can rinse your face the next morning with lukewarm water, but avoid using any cleansers that can cause harm. Wash your hands with soap before touching the skin.
  • Gently pat dry taking special care not to rub the skin. You may sense that the skin is firmer than usual. But, over the next few days up to 2 weeks, it will soften and regain a supple, smooth feel.
  • While the discomfort should settle within 24 hours, if you continue to feel pain, take a Tylenol. Do not take anti-inflammatory or any other medications without checking with the doctor.
  • Use an ice pack to calm the swelling, but place a thin cloth between the pack and your skin. Avoid direct contact and time the applications at 5-minute intervals.
  • For the next 2 days, sleep on your back with your head elevated. In this way, you can lower the swelling and bruising.
  • As part of the aftercare for Vampire facial, do not use any exfoliating or any other harsh agents on your skin for at least 72 hours. But, you can use a non-chemical, organic moisturizer that is gentle. If your dermatologist recommends it, you can use hyaluronic acid to moisturize and nourish your skin.



It’s important to note that while Vampire Facelifts are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. These risks can include infection, swelling, itching, bruising, tingling or a slight burning sensation.


From £199 per treatment

Time Taken

1 hour


3 months


Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that is used to encourage collagen production using small, sterilized needles. It may help smooth, firm, and tone skin and improve the appearance of scars, acne, and wrinkles.

How does it work?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that uses small, sterilized needles to prick the skin which helps to generate new collagen and skin tissue to smooth, firm, and tone skin. Microneedling is mostly used on the face and helps to reduce the appearance of acne, scars, dark spots, wrinkles, and large pores.


  • Microneedling is minimally invasive, requiring little to no downtime.
  • It’s considered safe for most people who are in overall good health.
  • You can experience minor redness and irritation for a few days after the procedure.


Each session may last about 30 minutes, you may need multiple treatments for the best results. It is performed using a handheld, drum- or pen-shaped device, electrically powered, with tiny needles that make precise, microscopic punctures in the skin. These “micro-injuries” do not leave scars; they work by helping to stimulate the skin to repair itself naturally through a process called dermal re-modelling. This process starts with inflammation, which stimulates the skin to produce new collagen (the elastic fibres that make skin tight, smooth, and youthful). Collagen levels in the skin decline as we age, and new collagen can be produced when the skin is in repair mode.


Before your PRP treatment

We will always have a free consultation before the procedure to discuss what the clients concerns are and what results they want to see form the treatment. We will access wether the client is suitable for the treatment and do a thorough medical form to make sure there is no risk of any adverse effects. We also ask clients to come to their appointment hydrated as it means blood can be taken more easily.

Post Treatment
  • Avoid direct sun after microneedling – keep out of the sun for at least 2 weeks after treatment as skin will be sensitive. Also wear a SPF strength of 30 (ideally SPF 50) everyday
  • Avoid active topical skin care products after microneedling
    Don’t use any products that have active ingredients such as retinol or alpha acids since these can irritate your skin even more. Only use products that your microneedling practitioner has recommended.
  • Do not use makeup after microneedling – It is vital that you let your skin breathe for 24 hours after the treatment. The skin channels are open, and applying makeup can penetrate the pores causing further irritation. You should wait 24 to 48 hours before using makeup, leaving enough time for the skin to recover.
  • Applying face masks after microneedling – You can use a cooling and hydrating face mask to give your skin a quick break. Also, this will help with any inflammation, just make sure you use a mild, and not a harsh mask.


It’s important to note that while microneedling is generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you. 



Time Taken

30 minutes

Vitamin Injections

At British Cosmetic Clinic we feel you should feel good on the inside as well as the outside. We are proud to offer many different types of Vitamin Injections including: Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D & Biotin which you can have either individually or as a package deal. Each vitamin we choose to offer has different properties read below to find out more…

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the daily health supplements recommended to help and enhance the immune system and act as an anti-viral and antioxidant. Our body does not produce vitamin C, which means that we need to source it from our diet. It is found in citrus fruits and vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach. While ingesting supplements remains the most current way of ingesting this much-needed vitamin, injectable Vitamin C is an efficient and much faster way to achieve a Vitamin C boost.

  • Injections are absorbed better than oral supplements.
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Improves the look and quality of the skin
  • More gentle on sensitive stomachs
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Gives you more energy
  • Helps with bone strength


Vitamin D

Vitamin D ingested orally can take weeks, sometimes months, to have an impact on your health meaning the dose is lost when it is converted in the gut. However, intramuscular vitamin D injections have a much more immediate impact – some patients report feeling the effects right away. The Vitamins Injections are administered directly into the muscle, bypassing the gut, a much higher percentage of the vitamins can be utilised by the body.

  • Maintains bone density and bone health

  • Supports the immune system

  • Regulates the activity of more than 200 different genes

  • Aids the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the body (these are essential for muscles, teeth, and bones)

  • Helps prevent osteoporosis

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Protects against heart disease

  • Supports brain function


Vitamin D

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in brain function and the production of DNA and red blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency left untreated can lead to pernicious anaemia or neurological problems. Low B12 in the body is also associated with chronic fatigue, weakness, and poor energy levels. Injections are the most common way to treat or prevent the B12 deficiency. The injections are doctor prescribed and administered into the muscle.

  • Boosts metabolism
  • Prevents anaemia
  • Improves brain health
  • Helps prevent depression
  • Helps to prevent Osteoporosis
  • Promotes healthy hair, nails, and skin
  • Helps to prevents macular degeneration
  • Boosts & Increases energy levels



Biotin is a complex vitamin that helps regulate support a healthy nervous system and improves the basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. This is why Biotin is known to help with hair growth and improve the general health of hair, skin and nails. It is also an important part of how enzymes in the body break down substances like fats, protein and carbohydrates into energy.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, therefore it is not easily stored in the body. Any excess is passed through your system, and regular intake is required to avoid deficiency due to its transient nature. Biotin can be taken in tablet form or given intramuscularly as an injection. Most supplements are not effectively absorbed by our bodies through ingestion, intramuscular Biotin injections have been more effective in increasing Biotin levels faster in many patients.


  • Aids in healthy sweat glands
  • Good for nerve tissue and bone marrow
  • Supports healthy cell growth, promoting healthy, glowing skin – with additional anti-ageing benefits
  • Improves acne, eczema and skin conditions
  • Strengthens hair and helps create Red Blood Cells which in turn promoting healthy hair growth
  • Aids in preventing hair loss
  • Promotes nail growth and strengthens dry, brittle nails
  • Improves blood glucose
  • Increases metabolism and speeds up weight loss by triggering the reactions needed to turn food into fuel
  • Boots enzyme production, which in turn supports the metabolisation of fat and carbohydrates
  • Creates amino acids that play a vital role in building up proteins (cell strength), which has a great effect on rejuvenation



Post Treatment: Your arm may feel tender to achey after your procedure but this usually goes away after a couple of days. Avoid touching the injection site for 6 hours after your treatment. You may experience a dull ache at the injections site for around 1 hour after your treatment. Avoid any blood thinning medication.



It’s important to note that while Vitamin Injections are generally safe when administered by a trained and licensed healthcare professional, there are risks associated with any medical procedure. It’s important to discuss the risks and benefits of dermal fillers with your healthcare provider before deciding whether they are right for you.


From £35

Time Taken

5 minutes

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